Our Services

Civil Engineering

Specialising in heavy construction and mining, Construction has established itself as one of the leading 7CE contractors in South Africa and currently has offices in KZN and Gauteng.
Our focused approach, client-centric attitude, and excellent work ethic has placed Construction on a steady growth trajectory. Construction growth has traditionally been achieved organically but recently Construction has also begun exploring opportunities for growth by means of acquisitions of complimentary construction businesses.
With our stringent SAFETY policy and other policies encompassing; social responsibility, employment equity and affirmative action, equal opportunity, commitment to skills development and the continued effort to uplift our staff, we have gained the respect and trust of all the stakeholders in our business.
Take a look at the factors to consider while planning a highway construction project.

  • 1 Locating the plant for the project site
  • 2 Dissipating the site of the project
  • 3 Underground work involving Earth work for the embankment of the highway
  • 4 Drainage establishment
  • 5 Pavements structure constructions
  • 6 Placing road signs, lights and signals

Why Choose This Service

Professional Team

Certified engineers

Latest Technology

24/7 Support

Lets Get in Touch!

Sinopa Construction & Property employs over 100 employees, the majority of whom are based on project sites.

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+27 31 503 2787

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